
How to obtain Corridors approval service online ? 2024

How to obtain Corridors approval service online ?

Today we are going to talk about ” Corridors approval ” service which is available for  UAE citizens and business sectors for free.
The porpose of this service is to manage and arrange the spaces to get the use of the land.

Corridors approval service steps


The process of getting this service is done by applying some steps, which are represented by the following procedures:

First, apply the request.
Then, provide required documents.
After that book Muammtd with attested scheme.

Corridors approval service requirements

There are some required documents you should attach them to get this service, which are:

  • Cover latter (original)of the request. Technical related papers (copy). Elementary draws of the project(copy).
  • Recognized scheme 1:1000 or 1:2000  scale of the city or for desert areas scale 1:5000 , A3 size (2 copies).

Corridors approval service Special Conditions

There are some special conditions you have to apply them to get this service, which are:

  • The necessary to present identity card in all transactions of Al Ain
  • Municipality
  • Availability of digital data license for the company.
  • Providing ducts (Ducts)) in every intersection according to the requirements
  • of each service separately in terms the required diameter.
  • Providing ducts (Ducts) the future services lines, especially against
  • electrecity stations and water reservoirs and pumping stations.
  • These ducts must be on the same ducts straightening services segments
  • avoiding work Manholat or additional inspection rooms except for the
  • roundabouts and bridges.

If you want to inquire, contact us on call center 800555 or throughout email [email protected] .

Throughout Knowright website for publishing electronic services, we presented this article which talks about how to obtain Corridors approval service online.

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