
How to obtain Building Permit Service Online ? 2024

How to obtain Building Permit Service Online ?

Building Permit is one of the electronic services which provided by Al Ain City Municipality. Throughout this service, it is possible to issuance of a building permit (new / add / building after demolition).

Building Permit Service Steps


As the other services, there are some steps you should apply them to get this service. They are represented by the following:

  • First, apply the request.
  • Second, provide the required documents.
  • Third, Pay the service fees.
  • last thing, pay Insurance of removal of construction waste.

Building Permit Service Requirements

For applying this service, there are some required documents you have to attach them to get this service, which are:

  • You have to attach a copy of valid trade license of the contractor.
  • It is necessary to attach a copy of Insurance payment receipt on behalf
  • of the executing company ( in the
  • case of the lapse of one year to pay
  • insurance audit, and if you add
  • umbrellas or demolition conditional
  • license there is no need to pay
  • insurance ).
  • You should attach a copy of adoption of the signing of the court to
  • the contractor.
  • Attach a formal letter from the government
  • agency or consultant (if any)
  • commissioned by the contracting
  • company to receive license – original.
  • Attach a copy of Investor card ( graduate certificate
  • requests Eng ) card Eng accept if (
  • loan , a civil engineer , architect,
  • engineer assistant ).
  • Attach a copy of Updated plot plan.
  • Last required documents is attachment of No-objection certificate from the
  • Department of Health and Safety.
  • Attach a copy of To Whom It May Concern certificate
  • issued by the Town Planning Sector
  • approve the architectural plans and construction.
  • Attach a copy of service lines detection books ( water –
  • electric – Contacts – Drainage ) If a
  • new building or building added out within the increase.
  • Attach Health plans approved by the Abu
  • Dhabi Sewerage Services ( in the case
  • of a sewage) out.
  • Attach Roads Department approval (if new
  • construction or in the case of adding
  • gate width of four meters ) original.
  • Finally, attach a copy of Form AACM-CP-CF-15.

If you want to inquire about anything, please contact us on call center 800555 , or throughout the email [email protected] .

Throughout Knowright website for publishing electronic services, we presented this article which talks about how to obtain Building Permit service electronically.

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