This service is provided by Federal Authority for Identity, citizenship, customs, and Port Security.
It is an electronic service which is offered for UAE national and residents as well as its offered for GCC national and residents.
If your ID card is lost or damaged, you can easily apply for the issuance of a replacement one, in which the new ID card will have the same expiry date of the lost or damaged one.
Issue a Replacement for lost/damaged ID card service Steps
There are some steps you should apply them to get this service which are:
- Go to the smart services system, digital identity or user name.
- Select the service you want to apply for.
- Write the application data, where applicable
- Pay the service fee (if there is any payment fee for this service).
- Then a text message or email stating the creation/developments of the order.
- Finally you will obtain of service outputs through the delivery company.
Issue a Replacement for lost/damaged ID card service conditions
- It’s necessary for customers to complete the requirements for obtaining this service (fingerprint, photo) within the specified period to avoid canceling the activation of the request.
- It’s necessary also for customers to follow the instructions and requirements that sent to them during the course of the transaction to avoid canceling the activation of the request.
Issue a Replacement for lost/damaged ID card Requirements for UAE national
There are some requirements UAE national should apply them, which are:
- First, ID card data or a copy of the ID card.
- Second, a personal photo (4.5 x 3.5 cm) with a white background, this is for those who are under 15 years old, senior citizens and people with disability who are unable to reach service centers and have medical reports.
- Third, original birth certificate for those who are younger than 15 years old.
- Fourth, one of the parents’ passports or Emirates ID card, this is for those who are less than 15 years old.
- Fifth, a social security certificate certified by the Ministry of Community Development (for social security beneficiaries) to be exempted from ID card issuance fees.
- Finally, a valid medical report issued by the Ministry of Health or health authorities in the Emirates to exempt people with disability or senior citizens from issuance and delay fees for the ID card.
Finally, we have come to the end of this topic which talks about how to get the service of Issue a Replacement for lost/damaged ID card online.
We presented this article throughout knowright website for publishing electronic services.