Today’s article is going to show how to get started with ( smart services ) for individuals which provided by ( Federal authority for identity, citizenship, customs and port security ) to citizens of UAE & GCC or residents of UAE online and no need to come in person.
Smart services
Smart services are online services available to individuals and corporations as well , to facilitate the process of the following :
Visa issuing
Residence permit
Citizenship and residence services
via accessing or subscribing in the system online throughout the smart services website, “from here” using smart mobiles .
How to Register into smart services for individuals ?
- Smart services for individuals registeration / subscription starts with creating an account by the following steps :
- click on ( smart services icon) throughout the website of smart services, “from here “
- Select (Individuals Registeration)
- Then, you must enter your email adderss which should be active. Then press”continue” sooner activation message will be sent to ur email inbox , check it not later than 15 mins and click on ” complete registeration” automatically you will be redirected into ( register screen ) where you must click” yes” if you have Emirates ID or click “no” if u don’t have UAE id then complete by visa & profile details.
- . ” yes” if you have Emirates id then follow these steps :
- enter Emirates id then click ” next” you go to verification methods where you choose ( registered mobile number ) which is preferable or (providing Personal information)
- Then click”next” to complete verification after that enter ( one time password) which will be sent to your mobile number and click next to be redirected to ” “Registeration” part which required personal information must be filled such as first & family name in English and Arabic ,gender , mobile number,Emirates id , date of birth,email address , password & password confirmation eventually click on ” Register ” and check your email inbox for verification ..
- Now your account registeration is completed.
Now you can enjoy and get easy access and accurate process experience with ( Smart services ) for individuals.
We presented this article throughout knowright website for publishing electronic services.