For those who want to loan from burgan Bank, you will meet your interest in this article in which burgan bank provides a service to apply for a loan electronically. The loan services at burgan bank contain consumer loan service, installment loan service, and loan calculator service. Keep reading this article to get more details about this service.
burgan bank loan
Burgan Bank provides the service of consumer loan online. There are some steps for applying this service, which are :
- Go to the burgan bank website “from here“.
- Click on the main menu at the top of the page.
- Select Retail Banking.
- Select a service loan.
- Click on Consumer Loan.
- Click on the Apply Now icon.
- Choose Burgan Customer.
- Write the First Name.
- Write the Family Name.
- Enter Civil ID.
- Register your Preferred Contact Number.
- Write the email.
- Choose Preferred Contact Time.
- Fill in Comments.
- Add the code from the image.
- Finally, click on the Submit icon.
burgan bank Installment Loan
If you want to know how to apply for a burgan bank Installment Loan, please follow these steps:
- Log into the burgan online bank website “from here“.
- Click on the main menu icon at the top of the page.
- Select Retail Banking.
- Select loans services.
- Select Installment Loan.
- Click on (Apply Now) icon.
- It will move to Application for : MBC Loan.
- Choose Burgan Customer.
- Write the First Name.
- Write the Family Name.
- Fill in the Civil ID.
- Add Preferred Contact Number.
- Add the email.
- Choose Preferred Contact Time.
- Write Comments.
- Add the code from the image.
- Finally, click on the Submit icon.
Burgan Bank loan calculator
Burgan Bank loan Calculator is considered as one of the tools available on the burgan bank website. It allows customers to know how much money they can borrow from BURGAN BANK. If you want to get this service, you must apply the following steps:
- Enter to the Burgan Bank loan Calculator page “From Here“.
- Add Net Monthly Salary / Income.
- Add Monthly Deductions.
- If you wish to increase the loan, select Yes, I want to top-up my current loan.
- Write the Name.
- Write Contact Number.
- Register Email Address
- If you are retired, select Retired?
- Choose I would like to be contacted for further information.
Throughout Knowright website for publishing electronic services, we have provided you this content which talks about the services of applying for burgan bank loans and the procedures for increasing the loan from burgan bank.